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vintage, beautiful, authentic, memorable, iconic, collectible, original, valuable, artistic, and nostalgic film art

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Considered to be the granddaddy of zombie films, this is the horror flick that kicked off the zombie sub-genre and immortalized the ominous, much quoted phrase "...they're coming to get you, Barbara..." Released just six months after Martin Luther King's assassination and on the heels of nation-wide race riots, this eerie down-home low budget classic had a true rarity for the racially divided 1960s: a heroic, black protagonist.
This British quad poster for the first release in the United Kingdom in 1969 is one of the most difficult posters to find from the post-Universal horror era and also one of the most sought after. It virtually never changes hands.
Night of the Living Dead 1968
"What we've got here is a failure to communicate."
(Cool Hand Luke, 1967)

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